Foster a Child Programme – FCP

Education, health and happiness go hand in hand for these children under FCP
13-year old Arasi who lives in a small village called Kavirayapuram in Dindigul district lost her father due to HIV/AIDS. When meeting medical treatment and educational expenses seemed impossible, like many children in her village, Arasi had only one option – discontinue studies, work and help her mother.
But, when Arasi became a Foster a Child Programme sponsored child, her life changed for better. Arasi visualised bright rainbows in her life. “Out of the many dreams that pop in my head one is to become a doctor,” grins Arasi.
The story of Arasi essentially captures the work we do and the impact of Foster a Child Programme. Foster a Child Care programme envisions a bright and competitive future for the children living with and affected by HIV/AIDS and other orphan and vulnerable children. We support 450 children in Namakkal and Dindigul Districts in Tamil Nadu, India. Additionally, the programme extends support to the caregivers and parents of children—from healthcare to involving them in a livelihood activity.
Prevalence of HIV/AIDS in both Namakkal and Dindigul districts was at the peak during 2010 However, wide-spread awareness, emotional interventions, assured educational and healthcare support along with extended health and livelihood initiatives for the parents have helped to reduce the spread of HIV.
Under the Foster a Child Programme, we:
- Provide educational support to 450 children living with or affected by HIV/AIDS
- Create awareness on HIV/ AIDS and other diseases through several workshops
- Provide care, and counselling to overcome the trauma
- Refer children with symptoms of HIV to ICTCs – Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre
- Help children get better health care facilities
- Offer special coaching to excel in their studies to have continuity in studies
- Instil self-confidence and self-esteem through the concept of Children Club
- Encourage children to bring out their potential
- Support the parents to involve themselves in small livelihood activities to generate income to enhance their economic growth
Read more stories to learn how the programme is changing the lives of children and their parents affected by HIV/AIDS.
Our impact so far
This programme is sponsored by Net4kids, Netherlands.